When To Use Speed Bumps in Your Parking Lot for Safety and Protection

When To Use Speed Bumps in Your Parking Lot for Safety and Protection

We've all experienced the jolt of driving over a speed bump too quickly. While they might seem inconvenient, speed bumps are essential safety measures designed to slow down vehicles, protecting both drivers and pedestrians. Here’s a guide on when and where to install speed bumps in your parking lot.

High Speeds in Your Parking Lot

If cars are frequently speeding through your parking lot, it creates a higher risk of accidents. Speed bumps are an effective way to reduce these risks by forcing drivers to slow down. Place speed bumps in areas where vehicles tend to accelerate to prevent fender benders and enhance the safety of your lot.

Pedestrian Safety Concerns

In parking lots with heavy foot traffic, the risk to pedestrians increases when cars drive too fast. Installing speed bumps near walkways, entrances, and crosswalks can greatly reduce this risk by slowing cars down to safer speeds. Speed bumps are a proactive way to protect pedestrians and avoid potential accidents.

Addressing Complaints and Preventing Damage

If you’re hearing complaints from pedestrians about fast-moving cars in your parking lot, adding speed bumps can help alleviate these concerns. Installing speed bumps in key locations reassures customers that safety is a priority. Additionally, speed bumps help protect your pavement, as high-speed traffic can accelerate asphalt wear and tear.

Asphalt Sealcoating Supply Inc offers top-quality asphalt sealers, sealcoating supplies, and paving equipment to help you maintain and protect your parking lot. We’re here to support any size project, providing the products you need to enhance both safety and longevity in your lot.

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