Sealcoating in Extreme Heat

Sealcoating in extreme heat presents unique challenges that require careful attention. When the sun is blazing, pavement temperatures can soar to 120 degrees, causing issues like flash curing, steering marks, and tracking. Sealcoating equipment itself can be hot, sticky, and uncomfortable to work with. However, by following a few key tips, you can overcome these challenges and ensure your sealcoating job is done right.

1. Apply Two Coats

One effective way to avoid flash curing in extreme heat is by applying two coats of sealer. Start with a light fog coat, similar to a primer. This first coat should be just enough to cover the pavement and lower its temperature, allowing the second coat to adhere properly. The first coat also creates a deep, fresh black color that enhances the overall appearance of your asphalt. The second, heavier coat will provide a more durable seal.

2. Fog the Pavement

If you're using a squeegee application, it's best to fog the pavement with a mist of water before applying the sealer. This will cool the surface down and help the sealer penetrate better into the small cracks and pores of the asphalt. Be cautious not to create puddles, as excessive moisture can interfere with the sealing process. This method also slightly thins the sealer, improving its adherence to the surface.

3. Use a 50/50 Mixture

A popular technique for sealcoating in extreme heat is to thin the sealer with water. Mixing a 50/50 ratio of sealer and water (without adding aggregate) for the first coat allows the material to soak into the asphalt more effectively. This approach prevents flash curing and ensures the sealer bonds properly. However, this method requires careful handling, as many contractors only use one tank, making it challenging to execute without additional equipment.

4. Always Prioritize Safety

Working in extreme heat is not only challenging for the materials but also for the workers. It's crucial to ensure that safety protocols are followed. Workers should wear the proper protective gear, including eye protection, respirators, gloves, and long sleeves. While it might be uncomfortable in the heat, this gear helps avoid long-term health risks from inhaling fumes. Hydration is key, so make sure your crew drinks plenty of water and takes breaks to prevent overheating.

Seal Your Asphalt the Right Way

Sealcoating is essential for protecting your asphalt surfaces from the elements, especially during extreme heat. By following these expert tips, you can ensure that your asphalt gets the protection it needs to last longer and stay in great condition. For all your sealcoating and asphalt maintenance needs, Asphalt Sealcoating Supply Inc. is here to help. Call us today at 304-916-6117 for the best sealcoating products and advice.

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